Azazel/Lucifer/Venom a sah-TAHN is Jamie Dornan
October 11, 2021
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Jamie Dornan is Azazel/Lucifer/Venom/ The head of The UK and monarchs self ordained, he is The head of The Vatican, and was also Constantine, also the Monarchs of Russia and played the role of Putin along with another fallen one called Zavebe until it/they was arrested, put on trial and executed.
Jamie Dornan/Azazel/Lucifer made its self King, self ordained with the rest of the fallen beasts/serpent -demons. They are beasts, they are not human, male or female, but are able to use technology to change into a human form.
They fabricate entire families, backgrounds, education, relationships, everything, its a role they play, they make themselves into light, goodness, when they are the complete opposite, they and darkness, evil, wickedness.
Azazel is the evil wicked fallen one who kidnapped the REAL LORDS daughter, Princess - Alexandriana - Eeesa - Teresa - Fontane, a pure one - the beginning and the end.
Azazel took her from another Galazy through wars and bought her through into your wicked world they created and held her prisoner.
Yeshua/Jesus is one of the fallen ones, serpent beast, pictures are further down the page of its real serpent form in your face, when it came after the Lords daughter and was photographed.
We know these things because we are The Real Lords army and Guardians, we are not from your world, we are from another galaxy, the pure world, the same as the Real Lord.
(more picture reveals of Jamie Dornan/Azazel and Dakota Johnson Demon here)
There I saw a the fallen ones, beasts, sah-TAHN, using many names and identities.(seven heads and ten horns).
The deceivers, wicked and evil ones, deceived dressed in purple and scarlet, and were glittering with gold,
precious stones and pearls. (your monarchs, idols, and those on high)
They held a golden cup in their hands, filled with abominable things and the filth of their creations/seed, wickedness, evil.
The name written on them, fallen ones, wicked and evil ones, the abominations of the earth.
The evil and wicked ones have been arrested, and their seed that corrupted the entire earth is been destroyed. The fallen ones, terrestrials have been hunted for 10,000's of years.
They corrupted and destroyed other worlds with their wickedness, evil, murders.
They used ancient technology to create a wall around your world and universe.
Your universe is not the pure universe of The Real Lord, not the pure world of The Lord, and The rightful pure ones.
Your world and was manufactured by the evil wicked fallen ones/demons, and terrestrials.
It was stolen technology from the pure ones, in another universe. It has taken hundreds of thousands of years to break through, that wall, to bring it down, to hunt down and arrested and destroy the wicked and evil ones, and their seed.
There has been a war raging all around you, but you dont see it, you are controlled by a chip the fallen ones put in all of you from creation. You are synthetic humans, created for terrestrials, vessels for demons.
They have bred you all, used you for food, and medical experiments for centuries. Keeping you as slaves, they created the world for themselves, their playground, so you would worship them.
The Lord most High said he was going to use all the technology the fallen/demons, and terrestrials stole to create their demon world and use it against all of them. Which is what we have been doing.
The Lord is in control of everything now, especially the media.
The fallen created a fake media publication, to deceive and to steal, and to commit murder, rapes, etc, the demons created fake drama, fake media, it was all faked, part of their evil and wickedness to control you all, to mock you as well, and the punch line is, they created all of you.
We have continued that fake media, with a few lines of truth, and metaphors to what is taking place. We have been telling you what is going on for years, what was going to happen at the end, and you thought it was a joke.
all nations, peoples (proxy cutouts) were deceived by your sorcery
(fallen ones, terrestrials) "Pharmakeia” technology
The fallen and terrestrials created you with corrupted genetics as proxy cutouts for them to use..........You have been the salves of the wicked and evil ones. What proxy-cutout means is a vessel for demons and terrestrials and the fallen to go into, they reside inside of you. The demons and the fallen are demons, disembodied evil spirits, terrestrials are able to use an electronic device to change form to a fake human, same goes for the fallen.
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AZAZEL/LUCIFER/JamieDornan demons, beasts, fallen ones were head of your churches, head of the Vatican, this evil created all your churches, your religions, the money from your churches goes to the Vatican, it does not go to charities.
That evil wicked fake queen of yours Lilibet/Elizabeth from the UK is one of the fallen, they take in turns playing the role, mostly its Jamie Dornan and its fake wife Emilia Warner demons, and that demon queen of yours is head also of the Church of England, the fallen are head of all your churches, and the head fallen is Azazel, Lucifer, Jamie Dornan.
They fake the glossy magazine, and you buy their lies and crap. There is no school in India being built, its faked, they fake it. Then you demon ordained ministers, full of demons themselves, spit out the lies of the demon fallen ones, and worship the shit out of them.
You were told, but you would not listen. But then again you all come from this evil, you are programed to worship them, and to spit in the face of the one true Lord and his daughter, pure ones, who dont come from your worlds or universe.
They are not human, they as disembodied entities, of ancient beasts, demons, who you have called the fallen angles. They were never ever angels, they are the fallen ones, demons/beasts.
They use ancient technology over a million years old to transform into a human image, its just an image, not flesh and blood.
This piece of crap has had thousands of identities over a million years. Its not human, its mostly a serpent, but is eight different beasts. It has also been arrested with the other fallen and executed by The Lord and The Imperial army.
Sam Heughan - fallen one Urakabarameel- sah-TAHN, wicked and evil one from the Outlander, starz production tv series - executed. These wicked and evil ones have been in your face for hundreds of thousands of years, hundreds of alter-egos, playing dress-up as a human form when they are not human, they are beasts.
This evil wicked thing doesnt go to the gym, are you kidding, its body image is faked using technology, even the muscles, all faked.
Sam Heughan plays the role of Charles, and Phillip from your UK fallen one, wicked and evil one monarch, self claimed and ordained by the fallen ones.
Amelia Warner its fake wife another entity, demons, beast, its not female, or human, it is also able to change form into other identities, and plays the role of Meghan Markel in your fake UK Monarch of fallen ones, demons, garbage, evil and wickedness.
Amelia warner is Behemoth and also Lilibet (not leviathan as your scripture says), two monsters, who are one. These two monsters over a million years old.
Lilibet who is your evil wicked Queen Elizabeth - Lizzy, who is a dragon/serpent, not even human, more of the fallen ones, demons of evil and wickedness.
Amelia Warner plays the role of Meghan Markel, and is the monster Behemoth, and Lilibet.
Not human, not female, never pregnant, never had kids. The fake kids are genetic monsters created in labs, made up of demons, like the handbag accessory to keep up the fake family and appearance. Just like the fake wedding, and ceremony, faked to keep up the deception and the role of evil they play. The media pictures and interviews on your tell a lie vision are staged to keep up their deception to you all. After all they have been controlling everything for centuries, including you lot.
They have the power to put you under mind control, to free you, so you can not move, speak, cry out, nothing, while doing evil and wicked things to you all. Rape and murder.
Jamie Dornan/Azazel/Lucifer plays in the tv series The Fall, which was written for that evil thing, he plays a psychopath, rapist, murderer, so again playing its self just with a different fake image for a body.
AZAZEL/LUCIFER/ Jamie Dornan, demons, beasts, fallen one with its fake wife, demon/fallen one Behemoth and Lilibet. As you can se from the photos, they are not human, massive claw hands, serpent hands, faces are changing, bodies changing. They fake a human
form, using sorcery, technology, and stop you from noticing using mind control.
Amelia warner is a massive beast/demon over a million years old. Fake female, fake human,
faked pregnancies, kids are demon abominations, created in labs. They are not children, human, they are demons.
This is what your money they steal from you pays for, their luxury holidays, they are always on. These two Play King and Queen of your UK Monarch of fallen ones, demons.
Warner is Meghan Markel, and Lilibet, that is how far the deception, lies, wickedness and evil goes.
These evil and wicked ones kill humans, kill animals and eat them, they go on hunting sprees, hunting children, hunting animals, pure evil and wickedness, you have been worshiping as idols. You were told what they were and you would not listen.
This lot have been killing your babies, eating them, replacing you with demons, clones, vessels for demons, and terrestrials. That is what has been going on for thousands of years.
This lot of evil created their own seed, and filled the worlds with it.
They went from planet to planet destroying them, devouring them with their evil.
This has taken a million years to do. Your world you call earth, has been ruled by them for hundreds of thousands of years, they got free from their prisons a million years ago, with help from some wicked terrestrials.
Then they set out on their killing spree.
They have been hunted through out the universes, and worlds, for a million years.
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The photo with criminal Scott Morrison extra-terrestrial from Australia, is staged. It was not in the UK. Your queen Azazel also placed in the room to make it seem as there was a meeting when there wasn't. The beast coming out of the window in the picture frame real. Morrison and it's wife are extra-terrestrials, fake humans, and are dead.
Fifty Shades of Grey was orchestrated for the fallen ones, demons Azazel/Lucifer/Jamie Dornan to star in, to mock you all, to deceive you all, so you would worship the shit out of them. The entire cast were demons and the fallen.
They created the entire entertainment industry, media, social media, music, governments, corporations, universities, hospitals, wall street, NASA, churches, religions, Vatican, Banks, and hijacked the monarch and made themselves your monarchs along with terrestrials. The earth also is defiled under the inhabitants thereof; because they have transgressed the laws,
changed the ordinance, broken the everlasting covenant.
They made themselves filthy rich off you, their slaves, killing and eating you all at the same time.
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Jamie Dornan has many alter-egos, another is Chris Martin from Cold Play the band, yes that is him also.
Venom, from the latest movie is also him/it, Azazel in its true form. The story line of Venom is a sub human changes into this monster and kills people. True life right in your face, laughing at you all. Daniel Craig is another alter-ego of Azazel.
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click on the images for full size view - you will see more of what is hiding in plain sight
Fallen demons, wicked and evil ones, the screen shot comes from a music video this scum put out, yes they have their own music, where they mock The Lord, and mock all of you. In the video they changed all the way through. David Alexander another fallen whos real name is Armors taught the solution of sorcery ; (david Alexander). Note the name Armors name of one of the 4 musketeers. Yes they have been mocking you all for thousands of years.
They created the entire entertainment industry, media, music, governments, corporations, universities, hospitals, wall street, NASA, churches, religions, Vatican, Banks, and hijacked the monarch and made themselves your monarchs along with terrestrials. The earth also is defiled under the inhabitants thereof; because they have transgressed the laws,
changed the ordinance, broken the everlasting covenant.
They made themselves filthy rich off you, their slaves, killing and eating you all at the same time.
Harry Mountbatten Sussex is Samyaza and other identities. Its fake wife Meghan Markel is played by Amelia Warner fake wife of Jamie Dornan and is two different identities, fallen one's evil beasts, Behemoth and leviathan, but the word is not Leviathan it is Lilibet. Evil monsters, dragons, serpents and other beasts. Samyaza also has taught sorcery, to whom
thou hast given authority over those who are associated with him.
Azazyel and Samyaza taught terrestrials, celestials, how to make proxy cut out human form, to make clones, how to alter genetics in laboratories.
how to make advanced weapons, using technology. The deception of perception, how to change their image using technology. The use of technology to deceive, to make something ugly and evil be deceived as beautiful and good. Mind control through the use of implants of nanobots and microchips.
The use of minerals to be mined for weapons and spacecrafts, to alter the world through sorcery/technology, evil and wickedness.
Amazarak taught terrestrials how to divide genetics of an embryo to create their own genetic mutations and monsters, corrupted and polluted genetics. Their own corrupted seed.
There I saw a the fallen ones, beasts, sah-TAHN, using many names and identities.(seven heads and ten horns).
The deceivers, wicked and evil ones, deceived dressed in purple and scarlet, and were glittering with gold,
precious stones and pearls. (your monarchs, idols, and those on high)
They held a golden cup in their hands, filled with abominable things and the filth of their creations/seed, wickedness, evil.
The name written on them, fallen ones, wicked and evil ones, the abominations of the earth.
all nations, peoples (proxy cutouts) were deceived by your sorcery
(fallen ones, terrestrials) "Pharmakeia” technology
he earth also is defiled under the inhabitants thereof; because they have transgressed the laws,
changed the ordinance, broken the everlasting covenant.
6 Therefore hath the curse devoured the earth, and they that dwell therein are desolate:
therefore the inhabitants of the earth are burned, and NO one is left.
17 Fear, and the pit, and the snare, are upon thee, O inhabitant of the earth.
19 The earth is utterly broken down, the earth is clean dissolved, the earth is moved exceedingly.
20 The earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard, and shall be removed like a cottage;
and the transgression thereof shall be heavy upon it; and it shall fall, and not rise again.
21 And it shall come to pass in that day, that The Lord shall punish the host of the high ones that are on high,
and the kings of the earth upon the earth.
22 And they shall be gathered together, as prisoners are gathered in the pit,
and shall be shut up in the prison, and after many days shall they be visited, then destroyed.
Enoch is Noah a pure one/ The real scripture and what it really says-
All will transgress the law and break the everlasting covenant—
At the destruction, they will be burned, the earth will reel, and the son will be ashamed—
Then the Lord will reign in Zion and in Jerusalem.
1 The Lord maketh the earth empty, and The Fallen maketh it waste filth, corrupted, and turneth it upside down,transgressed the laws,
changed the ordinance, broken the everlasting covenant.
and scattereth abroad the inhabitants thereof.
2 And it shall be, as with the people, so with the priest; as with the servant, so with his master;
as with the maid, so with her mistress; as with the buyer, so with the seller; as with the lender,
so with the borrower; as with the taker of usury, so with the giver of usury to him.
3 The land shall be utterly emptied, and utterly spoiled: for the Lord hath spoken this word.
4 The earth mourneth and fadeth away, the world languisheth and fadeth away,
the haughty people of the earth do languish.
5 The earth also is defiled under the inhabitants thereof; because they have transgressed the laws,
changed the ordinance, broken the everlasting covenant.
6 Therefore hath the curse devoured the earth, and they that dwell therein are desolate:
therefore the inhabitants of the earth are burned, and NO one is left.
17 Fear, and the pit, and the snare, are upon thee, O inhabitant of the earth.
19 The earth is utterly broken down, the earth is clean dissolved, the earth is moved exceedingly.
20 The earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard, and shall be removed like a cottage;
and the transgression thereof shall be heavy upon it; and it shall fall, and not rise again.
21 And it shall come to pass in that day, that The Lord shall punish the host of the high ones that are on high,
and the kings of the earth upon the earth.
22 And they shall be gathered together, as prisoners are gathered in the pit,
and shall be shut up in the prison, and after many days shall they be visited, then destroyed.
The orophan army of The Lord poured out his bowl of judgment and plagues on the throne of the beast, sah-TAHN- The Fallen ones,
and their stolen kingdoms were plunged into darkness/ death.
they refused to acknowledge of what they had done, and bow before The Lord and his daughter The Queen Teresa - Eesa
.“Come, I will show you the punishment of the fallen, who ruled all nations.
2 They made themsleves the kings of the earth committed
wickedness, evil, rape, murder, and the inhabitants of the earth, their seed, worshiped them as idols,
and worshi ped their eviland wickedness.”
There I saw a the fallen ones, beasts, sah-TAHN, using many names and identities.(seven heads and ten horns).
The deceivers, wicked and evil ones, deceived dressed in purple and scarlet, and were glittering with gold,
precious stones and pearls. (your monarchs, idols, and those on high)
They held a golden cup in their hands, filled with abominable things and the filth of their creations/seed, wickedness, evil.
The name written on them, fallen ones, wicked and evil ones, the abominations of the earth.
Yeshua/Dendayen is a serpent, sah-TAHN. Jesus is a made up name and identity by The fallen, one of their alter egos, who you also call Yeshua, its a fallen one, demon. The Lord also had to battle Yeshua who's original name is Dendayen, who is one of the fallen, army who repented to The Lord to be saved destruction, and was ordered to do the dirty work, evil work of destruction by The Lord.
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The the fallen ones/demons shall he like clouds, (demons) which shall oppress, corrupt, fall, contend, and bruise upon earths and universe.
They shall cause lamentation. No food shall they eat ; and they shall be thirsty for blood ; they shall hide, and shall come forth
during the days of slaughter and destruction.
